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Learning Effectively

 Learning according to Gagne, is a process to gain motivation in knowledge, skills,habits, and behaviors.

So in the other words, learning is a process go get new knowledge,skills,habits,behaviors that will change our shape of thinking or our behavior to be better.

Learning is a process, means go gain our learning purpose, we need through the process. Lots of students are being struggled to achieve their learning purpose by learning everyday.

They are struggling to learn everyday, drives them to stressed out more. But, is learning activity is so overwhelmingly stressed out ? 

 Learning can be a fun activity, where you can develop your skills and have an achievement after finishing your study session. Learners usually learn for a long time, it can be taken for 1 hour-2 hours for their study session.

In fact, learning without taking a break will drive you to stressed out and exhausted activity, so it's important to learning effectively.

Here is the ways of learning effectively, to understand more about whatever you're learning for, to be simple, achieve your learning purpose.

1. Active  Learning

According to Barbara Oakley, an Engineering lecturer in McMaster University, Active learning is the way we do some problems solving while learning. Learning is not just about listening to your teacher, reading a book or article, or write down the material that you're learning without actively doing problems solving.

It's important to actively involve your brain more in learning activity. You can use mind mapping, doing the task after you're reading, listening, or writing the material, or you can explain in your language whatever lessons that you have learnt before.

The example of the impact of Active learning from my experience :

I've been in college since 2018, which is my first semester. From my first semester until fourth semester, i would get overwhelmed with passive learning style, I just read and wrote anything from book and internet, without trying hard to do problem solving and be active in my learning session. And then, Felt like i couldn't understand anything about it. I was just little bit memorize about the material, especially in Grammar subject, even though I already read and wrote the material. I couldn't  implement Grammar in my translation task, or writing task, or when I spoke in English. I got confuse about that.

But then, I realized why I can't implement my Grammar well. I never do an active learning. Then, I change whole my learning style. After I read and watch tutorial video about Grammar, I try to translate text or paragraph that related to Grammar material that I was watched before, I also try to answer the questions. And the result, I'm being more understand in Grammar. It also happened with another subjects that I've learnt.

Another example is when we're learning Tajwid to read Al Quran. We can't just read and understand Tajwid, without implement it when we're reading Al Quran.

2. Tackle your Procrastination

Procrastination is the most challenge that we face as the learner to learn something, especially when we're learning something that we never learn before. Then, how do we avoid to procrastinate?

There are 3 approaches to tackle procrastination, according to Pierce Steels

a. Increase expectancy of success and being rewarded

When you're learning something, increase your expectancy to tackle your procrastination. Take an example, if you're working on your assignment and collecting it on time, you will get better grade than the others. Or if you studying English, you can get a better job. Also, you can reward yourself after you've done the task or learning.

b. Decrease Impulsiveness ( Remove Distraction)

Distraction around us is the bigger thing that make us won't learn. It can be by whatsapp message from friend, email, and scrolling on social media.

When you're learning, remove the distraction around you, and focus of what you're learning. You can learn for 25-30 minutes, then you can check up on your phone.

You can also turn off your internet connection while learning, or if you can't do that because you're doing online learning, just don't think about anything else. Focus on what you're learning for a while. You can relpy the messages of your friend later after you've done.

c. Increase Value and Pleasantess of doing task

When you're doing your task, take it as the challenge, like when you're playing game. You can compete yourself with challenges you've made, or you can make your friends as your rival.

So you will always competing with them, and try to be number one, and you will study to beat them, of course you can tackle your procrastination with it.

3. Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro means tomato in Spain,


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