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Learning Effectively

 Learning according to Gagne, is a process to gain motivation in knowledge, skills,habits, and behaviors. So in the other words, learning is a process go get new knowledge,skills,habits,behaviors that will change our shape of thinking or our behavior to be better. Learning is a process, means go gain our learning purpose, we need through the process. Lots of students are being struggled to achieve their learning purpose by learning everyday. They are struggling to learn everyday, drives them to stressed out more. But, is learning activity is so overwhelmingly stressed out ?   Learning can be a fun activity, where you can develop your skills and have an achievement after finishing your study session. Learners usually learn for a long time, it can be taken for 1 hour-2 hours for their study session. In fact, learning without taking a break will drive you to stressed out and exhausted activity, so it's important to learning effectively. Here is the ways of learning effectively, to und
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Morphology- Derivational and Inflectional Morpheme

                                                    Derivational and Inflectional Morpheme   Hello again. Today I want to explain about derivational and inflectional morpheme, it's the one of morphology study.  Morphology deals with the structure of words or the study of the structure of words. So, it's relate to vocabulary building. The smallest unit of English language called morpheme. Morpheme is the central of all vocabulary building. There are lots of way to build a word and maybe I will write about them later, but lets focus on the most common way that lexical use, that is derivational and inflectional.  1. Morpheme Morpheme is the smallest unit of English. There are 2 kind of morphemes, there are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is the morpheme that can stand by itself, or on the other words, it has it's own meaning even though it's not attach to the other morpheme. Take an example, the word "cat, study, manage, rich, and happy". These

Cross Culture Understanding- Stereotype

                                                                                   STEREOTYPE   You might be familiar with the word of " stereotype". Yep, it's the image in our mind about a group or individual. But, do you know where's stereotype come from ? We know the Arabian is religius. But where's the image come from ? I will try to explain about anything that relate to stereotype, from the definition about stereotypes itself, types of stereotypes, the positive and negative about stereotypes, and how to deal with stereotype.  1. Definition of Stereotype Like I said above, stereotype is the image in our mind about a group or individual. Where's the stereotype come from ? Our stereotype come from the past experience or the media that spread the information about a group or individual. Take an example, We know that Arabian is religius, because we see in the television that most of them using Muslim clothes. We know the Japanese is technology freak because th

Kesimpulan Drama Sajak Cinta Sang Durjana

Sajak Cinta Sang Durjana, merupakan sebuah karya hasil garapan Rachmad Azazi Rochmantoro. Menceritakan tentang seorang pria bernama Normantoro, yang pikirannya berkecamuk karena berbagai masalah yang dihadapinya. Ia adalah seorang mantan narapidana, dan dikucilkan oleh masyarakat, tak terkecuali keluarga dan orang yang paling dicintai olehnya, Marwiyah. Meninggalnya sang Ibu tercinta,jatuhnya pujaan hati ke tangan lelaki lain,dan kasus pembunuhan dan perampokan yang membuatnya mendekam di balik jeruji besi. Kini ia sudah keluar dari tempat mengerikan bernama "penjara". Namun, itu hanya berupa raganya saja. Pikirannya seakan masih "dipenjarakan" oleh masalah-masalah yang menghantuinya. Di bawah pohon tua, ia mencoba untuk terlelap. Mencoba untuk lari dan melupakan masalah-masalah yang telah dialaminya. Namun di alam mimpi pun, imajinasinya seakan menciptakan sosok-sosok yang mencoba untuk menyerang jiwa nya yang sedang stress tingkat tinggi itu. Sebut saja San